JEFF GORDON makes an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Friday

[media-credit name=”Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.” align=”alignright” width=”287″][/media-credit]JEFF GORDON makes an appearance on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Friday, March 25th. He reveals the reason why his daughter wants to be a racecar driver.

Ellen: I heard that Ella told you she wants to be a racecar driver?

Jeff: I get asked this all the time. Do you want your daughter to be a racecar driver? I just want to approach it the same way that my parents approached it with me and my sister. Whatever opportunities or passions you see as a parent your kids interested in, pursue that and see where that takes them. That’s what happened with me. We found racing at a young age. My parents introduced me to it and it just took off. I hadn’t thought about it a whole lot, certainly with my daughter, and we were driving down the road the other day and out of nowhere, she said, “Papa, I want to be a racecar driver.” And I said, “You do? Why do you want to be a racecar driver?” [She said] “Because I love you.” It just crushed me and at the same time, I thought, “Oh, now I’m going to have to get a racecar.” Laughs


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