Pre Season Kick Off Tremendous Success

April 13th                                    Show #4

We had our first pre season event in 30 years at our home on Sunday April 13th.  It was decided to have it that weekend because the week after was Easter, the end of the month was practice at our home track and the week before looked like it could be nasty.

Though planned 6 weeks before, there was no way to know for sure if we were going to be blessed with good weather, and turn out.  However, our prayers were answered with an awesome day and over 75 people.

The purpose of this Pre Season Kick Off was to raise funds to buy and hand out Frisbees (sample on the right) when we reach our 700th consecutive night of racing, a streak that dates back to June 5th 1987.   On that night we will give away Frisbee’s to the fans, track staff, all racers at the track on the night it falls, and of course our own sponsors, crew and everyone who came to our event on April 13th.

Our family dedicated time to help set up, greet guests and sponsors, and cook food for the large turnout.

Everyone in attendance got a door prize, some more than one.  We were so blessed weather wise because the next day it rained and the day after that we had a visit again from Mr. Winter with a surprise snow fall.

Our Late Model is out getting lettered now and will be done this week. Buttons and I made the trek to Creative Edge to show the new graphic lay-out .

We Are Proud To Have Quaker State With US For Race Season  #41

Please support our sponsors whenever possible.

Go to our website and click on their logo on the right side and it will take you to their site.


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