By Kyle Petty, former NASCAR driver and founder of Victory Junction, a camp created to enrich the lives of children with chronic medical illnesses.
This past spring, I set out on a 2,800-mile motorcycle ride with more than 225 other motorcyclists who helped me raise awareness and spread the word about Victory Junction. We had the pleasure of experiencing our first ever, coast-to-coast adventure from Carlsbad, Calif. to Daytona Beach, Fla.
Thank you to all who came out to support the Ride along our route. We greatly appreciate the giving of your time and resources to learn about our mission and enrich children’s lives. With your help, we raised more than $1,100,000 for Victory Junction, and now more kids will be able to experience the chance of a lifetime at no cost to their families.
For most children, heading off to camp is viewed as an annual tradition, a week blocked off a calendar during an otherwise normal summer schedule.
But children who need ongoing medical care – whether living with conditions such as rheumatology, spina bifida or cerebral palsy – may never experience the joy of carefree days filled with horseback riding, fishing or swimming…unless they are fortunate enough to attend Victory Junction.
Located in Randleman, N.C., Victory Junction is a year-round camping environment for children, ages six to 16, with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses. Our mission is to provide life-changing, exciting and empowering camping experiences to these children – in a safe and medically sound atmosphere.
Bowling, zip lining or playing kickball are fun activities that my have once seemed impossible for some children to enjoy; but at Victory Junction, they create smiles on the faces of so many who may not smile often enough. The camp also allows their parents to cherish special memories that last long after they leave.
Even though it costs more than $2,500 for one child to attend Victory Junction for a week, each individual is able to do so at no cost – thanks to the generous support Victory Junction receives through fundraising efforts, like the Kyle Petty Charity Ride.
This year, the Charity Riders traveled from Carlsbad, Calif. to Daytona Beach, Fla. over the course of eight days, beginning on Saturday, May 3 and ending Saturday, May 10.
For information and updates on our 21st Anniversary Ride, taking place May 2 through May 8, 2015, follow the Charity Ride on Facebook at or on Twitter and Instagram, @KPCharityRide. To donate to Victory Junction, please visit
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