What Are The Dangers Of Being A Trucks Driver & How To Avoid Them

People don’t think too much about how the products they buy on a daily basis make their way to the shelves. There is a long supply chain involved with the most integral part being the truck driver who brings the freight right to the loading dock of the store.

Without these drivers, the shelves would be absolutely bare. These truck drivers put their lives on the line every day to make sure they keep that supply chain running. It should be obvious what kind of a risk these men and women put themselves under. 

If you are thinking you might want to be a truck driver, then you have to know the risks yourself. In this article, I will go over several of the dangers that you’ll be facing if you decide to get behind the wheel of a big rig. 

Other drivers

No matter how well you trained in defensive driving to avoid an accident, there are hazards thrown in front of you all day by the horrible driving habits of those you share the road with. 

The prevalence of driving under the influence of smartphones is so pervasive that it is poised to eclipse the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers. Ask any truck driver and they will tell you that they are seeing more distracted drivers than ever before. 

These drivers often drift into other lanes which are nearly impossible to predict when you are driving near them. And if they cut you off then it is very difficult to avoid a collision.

There may not be much you can do to avoid an accident in some cases, so make sure that you have a dashcam in your cab to record an accident and then go right out and speak to a truck accident specialist.

Tired driving

Truck drivers are pushed to the limits of how many miles they can drive to get the freight to the destination ahead of schedule. The more drop-offs you can make in the least amount of time the better. 

All of which means that there are some tired truck drivers on the road driving with little sleep. There are federal laws which limit how many hours a driver can be on the road in a day. Even with those limits, it can be long and tedious and many drivers can fall asleep while they’re driving. 

Make sure to know the signs when you are starting to lose your focus and pull over to take a quick nap. Even if you haven’t hit your limit for the day yet.

Suppose you are losing focus while driving; it might cause an injury to you and others. Even if your company has an experienced trucking injury lawyer and can get you out of this mess, the damage and trauma that is caused by your negligence will be there to haunt you.

Always do a circle check

Do a once around your truck to inspect it before setting out. Look for signs of leaks that could signal a potential problem. And make sure that all of your lights are working properly. 

If you don’t do this you run the risk of a dangerous problem getting overlooked until it’s too late. It only takes a few minutes and can be the difference between an accident and getting home in one piece.


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