Is Spray Wax Bad For Your Car?

If you are looking to add extra shine to your car, wax is usually the go-to product. The good thing is, car wax comes in many different forms, some easier to apply than others. As far as effortless application goes, though, spray wax takes the cake!

This type of wax keeps you from having a methodical, time-consuming approach in waxing, which, admit it, is something we all dread when it comes to the activity. So, let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Why would anyone ever question the efficacy of spray wax on cars? Today, we will dig deeper into that and why spray wax actually proves an excellent choice for improving your ride’s shine.

Spray Wax and Its Benefits

Just when you think you have done a good job shining your car, these annoying tiny spots show up and take you down from your high. This is when spray wax comes in for the rescue. Here’s how the product can help:

Gets Rid of Dust and Debris

Sometimes, even the most thorough washing sessions fail to get rid of stubborn dirt and grime. Other times, it is you who failed to pay attention to areas in your car most in need of it. With the washing all done, do you have to wait until next time to take care of these matters? Chances are, you won’t be able to.

This is what spray wax manufacturers, in particular, had in mind when they formulated their products. Spray wax helps get rid of any spots, marks, and dust that washing may have failed to remove. As a result, your ride gets the shine it deserves. It also helps mask physical imperfections in certain exterior areas of your car.


One of the best things about spray wax is that it is safe to use on your car’s outer parts. Therefore, there is no need to worry about it coming in contact with paint, clear coat, exterior sections made of plastic, or fiberglass. Metals such as stainless steel, aluminum, and chrome also stand to benefit from being on the receiving end of spray wax. 

Has Protective Qualities

Spray wax isn’t just safe for your car’s exterior; it also protects these areas from wear and tear and helps make their shine last. Applying high-quality wax on your ride will usually mean a whole month’s worth of UV protection, making the paint job look phenomenal for an entire month.


Other types of vehicle wax might leave residue behind, but not spray wax. As such, using it on your car gives your ride a spotless and shiny look the moment you finish. It’s something to consider if you are entering a car show and looking to do some last-minute touches. Alternatively, you could simply want it handy to keep your car looking impeccable at all times.

Helps Get Things Done in No Time

One of our favorite things about the spray wax is that it doesn’t take nearly as much work to apply as other types of car wax. While you could spend close to an hour or more with ordinary liquid wax, 10 minutes max could be all it takes to shine your car using spray wax. How’s that for speed waxing? 

Quick Steps for Applying Spray Wax

If you want to breeze through a wax application, you have to keep in mind that it is not just the application’s quickness that matters. It is also the type of wax you are using or choose to use. Here’s how to apply spray wax in two easy steps:

Step #1: Make sure your car is clean.

Of course, this is another process entirely, so we won’t get into that here. Basically, you just want to inspect how clean your car is. It won’t matter if you start applying while the vehicle is wet or dry as long as it’s been washed thoroughly. 

Step #2: Spray wax per area.

Like regular liquid wax application, applying spray wax also requires you to do one section at a time. After spraying wax on one area, spread the wax over it evenly using a microfiber towel. Then, grab an unused microfiber towel and use it to remove the product from the surface. The shine should be instantaneous.

The Truth About Spray Wax

Now that we have talked about the perks of spray wax, let’s get to the bottom of why some have been saying it isn’t good for your car. The thing is, this notion stems from the fact that many think the product can be used as a primary protectant.

With this in mind, some forego using other protective products, relying only on spray wax to do the job. You can probably imagine their disappointment when the result isn’t quite what they expected.

Use Spray Wax Correctly

At the end of the day, even with its protective qualities, spray wax is really just an extra layer meant to bond with your car’s existing wax. This means it is a filler and is not recommended to be used alone.While you can still use it as the lone shining product on your car (after all, what are the steps above for?), you will find it much more beneficial when used as part of a combined wax application.


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