Things to Do When You Are Involved in a Car Accident

Road crash disabilities and fatalities have become a global epidemic, and today it is recognized as one of the foremost public health concerns. According to a report in CNBC, there were more fatalities on U.S. Roadways in 2021 than in any other year since 2005. This critical data was released earlier this year by the federal vehicle safety department. The traffic deaths in the United States reached a new high in the past 16 years in 2021, as per government estimates. Road crashes are preventable if you know the factors contributing to mishaps, the severity of injuries, and deaths. Some factors that lead to road accidents are: 

  • Rash or reckless driving by an inattentive or drunk driver.
  • Unsafe road traffic behaviors.
  • Poor road infrastructure and traffic management.
  • Non-existent or unenforced traffic laws.
  • Non-road-worthy cars, trucks, and other vehicles.
  • Inadequate post-crash intervention and care.

When you are involved in a car accident, you should do a few things to ensure that everybody is safe, abide by the rules and regulations, and facilitate seamlessly insurance claim process. Here are some of the things to do.

Examine Your Wellbeing & Check Passengers’ Injuries If Any 

See if you have suffered any injuries. If you are grievously wounded, it is best to wait patiently for emergency personnel, instead of moving about. Once you examine your wellbeing, check if all the passengers are fine. If you find that someone is seriously injured and needs immediate medical intervention, ask bystanders to contact emergency services, or if your phone is working, you may call emergency services. If you are injured after a car accident in Raleighseek immediate legal assistance.

Stay Safe & Close to the Accident Spot

If you can move, you may go to a sidewalk or somewhere safe. If your car seems safe to drive, it is a good idea to take it to the side of the busy road to avoid causing a hazard. Experts firmly believe that the things you do during the initial ten minutes post the crash will determine how the accident will shape and impact your overall life in the upcoming future. Remember to stay close to the accident spot. If you go away from the accident scene, you may face hit and run charges that carry fines and jail time.

Call the Police

Call 911 whenever you are in an accident irrespective of a major or minor collision. It is of pivotal importance to intimate the police. Moreover, informing the police is legally necessary. The police offer at the accident site will help fill out the accident report and comprehensively document the accident spot. If the police fail to come to the accident spot, it is best for you to go to the police station close by and fill up the collision report carefully. 

Exchange Vital Information

By the time the police turn up, it is wise to exchange vital accident facts and info. You may exchange insurance information with others involved in the car crash. You may exchange your addresses, names, and phone numbers. 


Notify your specific insurer so that you can go about initiating the claims process. You may seek medical intervention ASAP. 


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