With everyday rising costs, more and more people are looking to save on unexpected bills and fees. A popular method to help reduce unexpected costs is learning how to maintain and repair home appliances. One of the most costly and integral appliances is your oven/range. A range can easily cost over $500 for a professional to repair or even more to replace.
A common point of failure is the range seal (also known as a door gasket). It is responsible for sealing the heat within your range and is subject to frequent wear and abrasion. The common symptoms of this particular problem are the following:
- Heat distributing unevenly
- Knobs and Dials are hot to the touch
- Failure to maintain temperature
- Significant heat surrounding the range while in use
- Increased electrical cost or gas usage
Read more about this here, and continue reading to learn how to maintain and prolong your range’s lifespan and keep it safe and efficient.
Replacing a range seal is an easy process that anyone can do without needing a professional. Follow these simple steps to replace your range seal on your own.
- Purchase the correct replacement range seal: Look up your range’s make and model number to ensure you purchase the correct replacement.
- Turn off the power: Before beginning any repairs, turn off the power to the oven at the circuit breaker or fuse box.
- Remove the old range seal: Carefully remove the old seal from the oven door or range. You may need pliers or a screwdriver to pry it off, but please be careful not to damage the oven.
- Clean the area: Once the old seal is off, use a gentle cleaning solution and a soft cloth to clean the area around the door or range where the old seal was. Avoid using abrasive cleaners as they can damage the new seal.
- Install the new seal: Carefully install the new seal, starting at one corner and working your way around. Press firmly in place to ensure a proper seal.
- Check for gaps: Once the new seal is in place, check for any gaps or areas where the seal is not properly installed. If there are gaps, try adjusting the seals or tightening any fasteners.
- Test the door or range: Finally, test the oven door or range to ensure it’s installed and sealed correctly. You can do this by placing a piece of paper between the door and closing the door or range while it is off. If the paper slides out easily, the seal may need further adjustment. You can also take before and after temperature readings while in use to notice differences.
Maintenance on your range seal is simple and can often be done in a couple of seconds. To maintain your range seal, inspect it after each use for damage, debris, or grime. If you find damage, you can attempt to repair it or replace the seal again before it damages your range. If there is debris or grime you can use a soft cloth with the cleaner to clean it after it cools down. Don’t use an abrasive cleaner, this type of cleaner can do more harm than good.
Remember, proper maintenance of your oven, including the range seals, can help extend its lifespan and ensure that it continues to function for years, and prevent unexpected bills and costs.
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