Amazon Desert Rally. A race that doesn’t exist, for a problem that is already happening: the drying up of the rivers in the Amazon basin

Stock Car project alerts to the point of no return in the Amazon Rainforest

The racing category and track heroes propose an initiative to illustrate the dire consequences of a crisis that, in 2023 alone, led to the loss of 130 million liters of water from Amazonian rivers.

In a bid to reinforce its commitment to ESG, the Stock Car Pro Series introduces the concept of the “Amazon Desert Rally.” Emblazoned with the slogan “Don’t sponsor this race,” prominently featured across all promotional materials, the initiative seeks to highlight the environmental crisis confronting the rivers of the Amazon Rainforest, which saw 130 million liters of water vanish in 2023 alone. It’s important to note that this rally is purely conceptual and does not actually exist.

The drought not only impacts water supply but also cripples fishing activities, leaving rafts and canoes stranded on dry riverbeds. Roraima leads the nation in heat spots in 2024, exacerbating forest fires that engulf vegetation, wildlife, and homes, while also blanketing the region in thick smoke.

Irreversible degradation – The Amazon Rainforest may be teetering on the brink of irreversible change due to the dual onslaught of deforestation and global warming. According to a study published in the prestigious journal Nature, nearly half (47%) of the forest is projected to undergo irreversible degradation by 2050.

Against this backdrop, the “Amazon Desert Rally” assumes paramount significance. Its promotional materials showcase a team comprising indigenous individuals placed in an extreme scenario of total drought, where we’re not quite sure if it’s past or future, the true stewards of the forest, tasked with raising global awareness about the rapid destruction of their ancestral home.

In the launch video, we witness the team’s preparation in their tribal community, showcasing their adeptness behind the wheel of 4×4 vehicles as they navigate the parched riverbeds of the Amazon Basin. Ultimately, the team delivers a poignant message: they do not wish for this rally to materialize, as its existence signifies the potential disappearance of the Amazon as they know it, a place that has been their ancestral homeland for millennia.

“Don’t sponsor” – The “Amazon Desert Rally” initiative serves as a clarion call for immediate action to preserve one of our planet’s most invaluable natural treasures. “Have you ever paused to contemplate the origin of the wood used in the furniture adorning your home, like the chair you’re currently seated on? Often, we fail to acknowledge our responsibility as consumers and as members of society at large. By eschewing Amazonian resources, even within our homes, we can contribute to forest preservation – hence our motto, ‘Don’t sponsor this race.’ That’s why all stages of the Stock Car have zero carbon emissions. And there’s much more on the horizon,” remarks Fernando Julianelli, CEO of Vicar, the category’s promoter.

“Devoid of water and devoid of forest, humanity will lack the vitality to rally,” asserts Almir Surui, president of the Paiter Surui territory and UN-appointed Forest Hero.

“A rally evokes a sense of adventure, where nature should reign supreme. Yet, without forests or flowing rivers, we face a future devoid of warmth, replaced by the coldness of steel,” reflects Paulo Moutinho, senior researcher at IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute).

Utilizing data from Acre, Amazonas, Rondônia, and Roraima, the study published in Nature identified 142,000 hectares of illegal deforestation during the study period, representing 38% of the total. This means that the Amazon lost an area of forest equivalent to the city of São Paulo to illegal logging in just one year.

This rally is hypothetical. But the reality of dried-up rivers is not.

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