MARCOS AMBROSE, NO. 9 STANLEY DEWALT FORD FUSION (FINISHED 3RD) IS THERE SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR DRIVING STYLE ON THE CONCRETE? “That’s a really good question. I don’t know the answer to it but I have good feel on these concrete tracks. Some of these issues for me when I am having a bad day I have trouble feeling each tires. I feel like the car is slipping around and I can’t really feel which one it is. On concrete I think it is the steeper banking that helps me feel the tires. Today was a tough day though. The track was changing every run throughout the run. The car was getting really slick on that rubber. It wasn’t much you could do. You couldn’t ask for much change on the car because you knew it would be that way all day. You just had to change your line and keep searching.”
IT HAS BEEN AN EVOLUTION FOR YOU ON OVALS, WHERE DO YOU FEEL YOU ARE NOW? “Today I am really excited about. We had a really good day at Darlington but it didn’t work out at the end. We had some terrible luck. We have had two top-10’s on the 1.5 mile speedways this year and I am really excited that our team is learning. They are learning me and I am learning them. I am learning how these cars work. This result today I am really excited about because I think it is going to lead to a great Charlotte, Pocono, Indy, Kansas, all those tracks coming up I feel like we are suited to those tracks and I am excited about it. We have had some rough luck and accidents and incidents out of our control.”
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