3 Ways to Increase Workplace Safety Interactively

Accidents happen in the workplace on a daily basis, and sadly, a large number of them are fully avoidable. Sometimes workers can move a little too quickly and eagerly, unaware of the danger they put themselves and others in by not thinking first. In other instances, employees may not know exactly how to use certain pieces of safety equipment because they either weren’t tested properly or only watched a couple of mandatory informational videos when they were first hired on. Studies show that interactive learning is the best way to get people to retain data. Next up are three ways that you can reduce the likelihood of a workplace accident by teaching your staff how to be safer interactively.

Don’t Be Afraid to Put Your Staff in the Hot Seat

For the most part, companies follow a pretty similar formula when it comes to meeting workplace safety protocols. Staff will be ushered to a quiet room where they watch a video on a large screen that teaches them about OSHA safety laws, what to do in an emergency, and how to keep themselves safe while at work. You can use standard safety training materials and have workers sign off on worksheets that prove you did your best to explain workplace safety protocols. Something else that you can do as an employer that might be even more effective is putting some of your staff in the proverbial hot seat. You might want to have managers periodically pause workplace safety videos and call on your workers to see if they have been paying attention. Of course, being open to putting yourself in the hot seat can also help workers be more interactive.

Have Your Workers Demonstrate Their Knowledge

So, there is a big difference between knowing something and actually being able to apply that knowledge in reality. Take putting on a safety harness properly, for example. All of the straps and buckles have to be tightened so that your torso is snugly held inside the harness without being too tight. Watching videos and reading manuals can help you learn how to put on a harness, but you need more physical practice than anything else. To ensure that your workers are safe and know how to use this type of equipment, have them demonstrate their knowledge. This can be an excellent way for your employees to learn interactively and cooperatively.

Show That You Know How to Stay Safe Yourself

One of the best ways to help demonstrate the attitude of the company is to always provide your employees with equipment that you know will help them do their jobs more safely. For instance, if you supply them with the most reliable rolling ladders available (this shouldn’t be difficult, as there are a lot of options on the market) to help them access hard-to-reach areas, they’ll feel safe at all times during the job. Being the type of company owner that is hands-on can also help greatly to boost morale when you own a business. Don’t be afraid to put on your hard hat and steel-toed boots, and go outside of your office. Making the rounds, observing staff as they work, and taking the time to talk to them will not only encourage people to be more open, it can help to improve workplace safety. Leading by example is a top way to get more staff engaged in conversation and perhaps to show your workforce that safety is important more than you can tell them.

By being serious about workplace safety, you can keep your work crew more aware, thus making them less prone to serious injury. You will see that fewer people go on disability and also that productivity improves. Do more than show your staff a handful of videos on workplace safety if you want them to be knowledgeable.


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