From speeding cars to flashy colors, racing draws a massive audience. For those who love cars, the nuances and characteristics of every single race car are impressive and spectacular. Although there are many attractive traits of the racing sport, there are many unexpected things that occur regularly. Unfortunately, roughly 20 deaths happen in the racing industry each year. Races often result in dangerous accidents. In this article, we will share four types of auto accidents that race car drivers are likely to get in during their career.
1. Rear-End Collisions
When you think about cars speeding around a track in a tough competitive environment, it is understandable that one car might rear-end another in an attempt to get ahead and win the race. In reality, these wrecks can be fatal for both the driver and the vehicle. In most cases, cars are following too closely behind one another and do not have the space when the car ahead of them brakes. Not only are these accidents common in racing, but they occur frequently on both highways and backroads.
2. Multi-Vehicle Collisions
The average speed car races at over 200 mph, escalating to 60 mph in less than four seconds. Speeding past cars, gliding on concrete, and steering a hot vehicle requires focus and adrenaline. There is no part of a race where a driver can rest their shoulders and release their built-up tension. Typically, more than two race cars will get in an accident at time, since the drivers do not have enough time to stop their speeding vehicles, and are likely to collide into the pile of vehicles that have already been wrecked. Since interstate roads are often packed full of cars, multi-vehicle collisions occur frequently on these systems as well.
3. Side Collisions
Just like the everyday pedestrian, drivers must have adequate protection for themselves and their vehicles. When taking a tight turn, many drivers lose their grip and slide into the car next to them. In addition, drivers make turns too quickly and collide into the side of another vehicle. Since race cars are moving at such a rapid pace, it can be hard to keep control of the wheel. When a side collision occurs, the damage is typically quite expensive because a large portion of the car is affected.
4. Car Flipping
Race car drivers are often in situations where they have to make extremely tight turns. If they lose control of the vehicle, the intensity of their speed could cause them to flip over. If they are hit by another car while they are turning, that will cause them to flip. This type of accident is often the most dangerous, causing major physical injuries to the driver. Race car drivers must tone their body because of the strength it takes to steer the car effectively. This sport is not for the faint of heart, it takes an individual who can handle rapidly increasing heart rates while functioning with lasting endurance.
Life as a race car driver is not as sexy as it looks. The individuals that compete in this field are constantly battling through blood, sweat, and tears to get across the finish line. After hours of built up tension and total depletion, these racers come across the finish line with confidence and resilience. Due to the risk associated with this career, attorneys and insurance companies have to be highly involved with drivers. When working with the trustworthy West Virginia accident lawyer, these drivers can ensure that they are getting the compensation they need if they are a victim of an unexpected accident.
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