Riding a motorcycle on a freeway can seem terrifying, with traffic rushing all around you at sometimes-dizzying speeds. You should know that in some ways, highway riding can actually be safer because you don’t have to deal with cross-traffic, but at the same time, the consequences of a mistake are obviously much higher.
Thus, before you get on the highway for the first time, it’s important to know the rules to follow as you learn the ropes. These nine tips are some of the most critical keys to a safe ride on the highway, and they’ll help you build the skills you need to become a conscientious and confident highway rider. In some countries such as Bangladesh, one of the most loved vehicles is the motorcycle. So knowing the Bike Price in Bangladesh is very important if you plan to purchase a bike.
This isn’t a complete list of all of the many safety concerns you’ll need to think about when riding on the highway, but it’s a good start on the never-ending road to safety and awareness.
- Wear a helmet with face protection.
A helmet without a face shield can be adequate for neighborhood and rural riding. But when you get on the highway and start getting a faceful of bugs, sand, rocks thrown by vehicle tires and cigarette butts flicked out of car windows, you’ll understand why most riders wear a helmet with face protection on the highway. Full-face helmets are typically the best option because they offer superior protection for your face, but at the very least, get a face shield visor. Make sure you get the right size– knowing how to measure for a motorcycle helmet is the necessary first step to getting a safe helmet.
- Beware of (other people’s) blind spots.
Motorcycles, by definition, don’t really have blind spots—but that doesn’t mean that you can stop paying attention to the blind spots of other vehicles. Never, ever ride continuously in another vehicle’s blind spot, particularly large vehicles like tractor-trailers. The minute you find yourself in a blind spot, start thinking of a safe way to get out–whether that’s speeding up, slowing down, or moving to another lane.
- Always have an escape plan.
Part of riding a motorcycle safely on the highway is always knowing where the escape routes are. You have the advantage of piloting a much more maneuverable vehicle, but you’re also much more vulnerable, so plan accordingly.
One key part of your escape plan should be riding on the driver or passenger wheel track of the lane you’re in, rather than in the center. This technique will help you escape more quickly if someone suddenly slams on the brakes or you spot an obstacle in the road.
- Recognize that moving faster than traffic is usually the safest option.
Your first few times on the highway, you may feel safer riding at a slower pace and sticking to the right lanes. That’s understandable and OK, but it’s important to realize that most motorcyclists ride faster than the traffic around them because it’s safer. Moving more quickly than other traffic gives motorcyclists more control over how they encounter other vehicles, rather than putting them at the mercy of drivers who may not see them.
- Look out for obstacles in the road.
An obstacle in the road that most vehicles can pass over with nothing more than a bump can be deadly to a motorcyclist. Simple physics My Homework Done experts can tell about, says that you lose traction with the road, which leads to dangerous instability. From tires to pieces of furniture to potholes, anything bigger than a small rock can cause serious damage. Large vehicles like trucks can also often run over and spit out smaller objects directly into a motorcyclist’s face—another reason why it’s never a good idea to follow big rigs on the highway. Obstacles in the road are also easier to avoid if you’re riding to the side of your lane, rather than in the center.
- Learn about lane filtering, lane sharing and lane splitting.
Lane filtering, lane sharing, and lane splitting are techniques that many motorcyclists use to navigate heavy traffic. Put simply, here’s the difference between the three:
- Lane filtering is switching between lanes to slide through stopped or very slow traffic.
- Lane sharing is riding in a staggered formation in the same lane as another motorcyclist to increase safety and visibility.
- Lane splitting is riding on the dividing line between two lanes to navigate slow traffic.
These techniques are controversial among motorcyclists, and not all of them may be legal, depending on what state you’re in. Those who choose to use them should be aware of the safety risks and potential legal liabilities of each technique. If you’re lane sharing with another rider, make sure that you have a Bluetooth helmet intercom system (or some kind of motorcycle headset) to maintain safe and efficient communication.
- Keep your following distance long.
Tailgating is never a smart move, but it’s an even worse idea for motorcycles. A sudden stop can be catastrophic for you, and it will be even worse if the vehicle behind you can’t stop in time. If someone starts tailgating you, brake-checking or rude hand gestures aren’t worth the risk. Just move over to the right and let the aggressive driver pass. In general, try to avoid situations where you’re sandwiched in between two drivers–the fewer vehicles around you, the safer you usually are.
- Save night riding for when you’re more experienced.
Riding at night on the highway is a whole different ball game, and it’s one that’s best left to experienced riders. The number one key for night riding is to never ride faster than your eyes can process what you’re seeing in your headlights and, in general, riders should maintain lower speeds at night than in the daytime. Many motorcycles also come with weak stock headlights, so consider upgrading yours if you plan to do a lot of night riding, as well as investing in some high-visibility reflective clothing.
- Ride your ride.
At the end of the day, riding your motorcycle is a personal journey, and it’s important not to feel pressured to ride in ways that can put your life at unnecessary risk. Keep your safety knowledge in mind and don’t ride faster or more aggressively on the highway than you feel prepared for. And remember to never assume that any driver can see you. Motorcycle awareness still isn’t nearly as common or as widespread as it should be.
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