What is the easiest way to prevent a car accident? It may surprise you to learn that the best and easiest way to prevent car accidents is to get regular car maintenance. Not only is it a great way to stay safe on the road, but it’s also really easy to do. Getting regular car maintenance and a checkup takes just a few hours once every 3-6 months and it could be lifesaving.
Although a well-maintained car may be one way to prevent a car accident, a poorly maintained car is not necessarily one of the most common causes of car accidents. Still, worn breaks, rusty shock absorbers, tires low on air, can all contribute to the effectiveness of your car’s ability to react properly in the event of a dangerous situation.
I mean, if you’re slamming on the break and your break are worn, your shocks are rusty and your tires are low on air, you’re not going to stop as effectively as you could have if you had regular car maintenance.
So where do you get started?
“I Know Nothing About Car Maintenance.”
Ok no need to panic. Listen, car maintenance is no big deal. Do a search for mechanics in your area and start with the chain stores near you. Take your car in for a regular checkup. These stores have to follow protocol and will look at your oil, your fluids, your brakes, and your tires. For the most part, mechanics will ensure that your car is in good enough shape to travel the road well (though they are not legally required to ensure your car is road worthy).
If you are tight on money, you can find lots of cheap local car shops and mechanics that will happily take care of the work for you.
The Lincoln Test On Your Tires
Mr. President, I am sorry I have to use your head this way, but it is so effective. Take a penny and place it headfirst into the grooves of the tread of your tires. If you can always see the top of President Lincoln’s head, then your tire tread is worn too low and your tires need to be replaced.
If part of President Lincoln’s head is visible, then you are ok but consider replacing your tires soon! Reciting The Gettysburg Address while doing this, makes no difference “Four score and seven years agoooo”. Yep, makes no difference to the tires or the tread.
Oil Be There For You
Checking your oil is pretty simple. Just use a paper towel or rag to completely clean the dipstick, make sure that your oil is not overfilled or underfilled. You can top up your oil if it is a little low. And if your oil is a little on the darker side, consider changing it.
Why would changing your oil prevent a car accident? Oil cools, lubricates, and cleans the moving parts in your engine block. Think of the oil in your car like the blood in your heart, it’s vital to the entire system. But more than that, your car is just like your body and doesn’t function correctly without its heart funning properly.
Don’t Abuse Your Brakes And Rotors
Spend too much time slamming on your brakes and you’ll wreak havoc on your car rotors, and they are not cheap to replace.
Once your brakes and rotors begin to give away, you are really playing a dangerous game on the road. Because your break and your rotors are probably the 2 most important tools in your vehicles for preventing car accidents.
If you begin to feel your car slow down, as if it’s driving in mud, and if your breaks begin to squeal, you may need to have your brakes and rotors looked at. To prevent excess wear and tear on your breaks and rotors, don’t abuse them! Use them gently and they will last much longer, keeping you safe, keeping your passengers safe, and just being all slowing things down on your terms.
Final Thoughts
The easiest way to prevent car accidents is to get some regular maintenance on your car. Spend the extra few hours every month giving a little TLC back to the four wheels that get you to work every day, that take you to visit loved ones, that carry your groceries. Take your car to the spa, to the mechanic, this weekend.
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