In this article, you will learn some different concepts related to the low-profile hydraulic wrench pumps. As these pumps are the special pumps that will give their special use. The hydraulic profile wrenches are the special wrenches for the best usage. The maximum torque level of these pumps comes with 38463 Nm and with a maximum operating pressure of 700 bar. The range of these hexagon Riverlake low profile torque wrench varies from 29.6 to 117.6 mm.
Features of Riverlake torque wrench:
The torque wrenches consist of different models and each model is of unique design. Such wrenches will also perform their work in small places without having any difficulty.
- The riverlake low-profile wrenches are made of excellent quality materials.
- The hydraulic wrenches are flexible with a good quality of exchanging power.
- It also includes interchangeable cassettes.
- The tool will perform its functions in compact places.
- The tool also provides an accuracy minimum of up to 3%.
- The tool is lightweight and comes with several designs.
- The hydraulic wrenches are quick tools that will perform in an estimated way.
Different models of Riverlake cassette & their specifications:
The Riverlake drive unit models consist of the different maximum torque levels, Nm levels, and RHW10. Everything is discussed here below with specifications of them. All these come under the hexagon set of models along with their size, weight, and S/mm or R/mm.
1. RHWG10-50:
The unit model consists of the 50 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 40.8 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.5 kg.
2. RHWG10-46:
The unit model consists of the 46 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 38.1 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.5 kg.
3. RHWG10-41:
The unit model consists of the 41 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 35.1 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.4 kg.
4. RHWG10-36:
The unit model consists of the 36 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 31.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.36 kg.
5. RHWG 10-34:
The unit model consists of the 34 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 31.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.3 kg.
6. RHWG10-32:
The unit model consists of the 32 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 30.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.4 kg.
7. RHWG10-30:
The unit model consists of the 30 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 30.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.4 kg.
8. RHWG10-27:
The unit model consists of the 27 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 29.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.4 kg.
9. RHWG10-24:
The unit model consists of the 24 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 29.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.4 kg.
10. RHWG10-22:
The unit model consists of the 22 RHW10 models that hathe a maximum of 29.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.4 kg.
11. RHWG10-19:
The unit model consists of the 19 RHW10 model that has a maximum of 29.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 1.4 kg.
12. RHWG 20-75:
The unit model consists of the 75 RHW20 model that has a maximum of 57.1 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 4.5 kg.
13. RHWG 20-70:
The unit model consists of the 70 RHW20 model that has a maximum of 54.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 4.5 kg.
14. RHWG20-65:
The unit model consists of the 65 RHW20 model that has a maximum of 52.3 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 4.4 kg.
15. RHWG20-60:
The unit model consists of the 60 RHW20 model that has a maximum of 50.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 4.4 kg.
16. RHWG20-55:
The unit model consists of the 55 RHW20 model that has a maximum of 40.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 4.2 kg.
17. RHWG20-50:
The unit model consists of the 50 RHW20 model that has a maximum of 45.6 torque. It also has a minimum weight of 4.2 kg.
Here we see that these different set of tools are available that will make things easy. All the pumps will give their best and their working varies according to your need.
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