Check the procedure of making your personal custom coin – 2022

What is a custom coin?

A custom coin is a metal coin that you can personalize and customize with your picture or brand logo for personal interests and advertisement of your company, respectively. You can get your coin customized from StationeryXpress. Such a coin implies the membership of a certain company. The Military uses these custom coins and provides their soldiers to indicate their soldiers. 


The 3d print custom coin was just used as a money coin in the past. Kings, emperors, and rulers were used to make their custom coins to use as money. The photographs of the rulers were carved on the coins. It was an ordeal to be carved on a coin. But as the world evolved, so did the coins. It wasn’t even a simple task back in the ’80s or early ’90s. You can easily make your 3d print custom coin. You can also advertise your company by making these custom coins. 

Making a 3d print custom coin:

When you are making a custom coin, you need some basic things, which are given below: 

  • CNC milling machine, 3D modeling software, 2D picture editing software, engraving cutter, sandpaper, Camera

Make your 3D head by methods below. 

There are two methods for making a 3D head.


There are two methods involved in making a 3d print custom coin. 

SCANNING — scan your 3D model head with a high-quality 3D scanner.

MAKING DEPTH MAP — make your depth map from a photo to displace a 3D geometry to carve it on a coin. It is called the 123D catch method. (This feature is available in Autodesk software. You can use any alternative software)

This method is not specific to making a photo coin. You can carve any company on the custom coin.

Using the 123D catch feature for making a shape:

Take a sharp photo to cover an entire head. Make a side pose for a 3D print custom coin. Once you shoot everything, process the photos using 3D software. Now manipulate through 3D software.  

3D Modeling to polish the shape prints:

Your 3D print custom coin model is ready. Polish this print and bisect it down to the middle. Now squish it down to fit your model on the coin.

Learn to make depth map: 

Manually push and pull the photos to become the darker side brighter. Go back and forth between your 3D software to displace the geometry. If your picture has white pixels in the depth map, you’ll have to push it a lot. 


For milling, you need a 90-degree engraving cutter by a CNC mill. Don’t force too much because the vibrations will cause roughing of the material. Before milling, fix the points, so it doesn’t cause roughness.

Making rim and final finishing:

Give a final finishing by creating a rim around the coin on a belt sander by simply filling the rest of the material and painting it. Once the paint is dried, take a polish like Autosol to highlight the high spots. 

Your Custom coin is ready!

What do Custom coins represent?

Custom coins represent achievement, teams, companies, and businesses. The member who works hard to achieve milestones for the company is often awarded these custom coins.


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