As the name suggests, quick detailers are designed for fast vehicle detailing. Undeniably, proper detailing requires considerable effort, especially for highly contaminated cars, making quick detailers inappropriate for such tasks. However, these products excel at swiftly removing light contaminants, helping maintain the car’s paintwork shine between washes. Moreover, high-quality quick detailers offer additional advantages, as discussed in this article. Continue reading to discover them.
Multi-purpose products
As previously mentioned, quick detailers primarily serve for waterless cleaning of smudges, dust, pollen, fingerprints, and other light stains that dull the car’s paintwork. However, in addition to mild cleaning agents, quick detailers may contain gloss enhancers that further improve the car’s appearance.
Moreover, some manufacturers, like Japanese Soft99 (visit:, enhance their products with protective substances to improve the paintwork’s water repellence, as well as its resistance against mild contaminants and UV rays.
Furthermore, some quick detailers can serve as lubricants for clay bars.
Soft99’s Fukupika Spray
Soft99’s Fukupika Spray stands out as a versatile product due to its ability to create a protective layer on the car’s surface, by effectively bonding with the paint. This layer, which repels light dirt and water, is particularly durable compared to the protective properties of similar products, as it can last up to six months.
The unique qualities of Fukupika Spray also help enhance and preserve the effects of previously applied coatings or waxes.
Best practices for using quick detailers
To maximize the benefits of your quick detailer, apply it soon after washing your car to add gloss and protection to the paintwork and prolong its cleanliness. Although quick detailers are effective for restoring a clean appearance, you should be careful while using them between washes, as certain contaminants can cause scratches if not washed away with water.
Most quick detailers come in spray form, making application easy. For optimal results, spray the product onto a microfiber cloth, wipe the car, and then buff the surface with a clean side of the cloth.
Note that quick detailers, like other car care products, should not be used in direct sunlight or on hot surfaces as they may dry too quickly, which will result in streaks and stains and make buffing difficult. Additionally, avoid using excessive amounts of quick detailers as they can create a buildup that is difficult to remove.
Do you need a quick detailer?
A quick detailer can be a valuable addition to your car care routine if you seek to maintain your vehicle’s cleanliness with minimal effort. Not only does it restore the paintwork shine fast, but it also prolongs the effect of waxes and coatings.
A brief cleaning session with a quick detailer, supplemented by regular washing, takes far less time than tackling a heavily contaminated car. It is also useful for restoring your vehicle’s shine before a car show or when preparing to sell it.
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